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PhysioEngel Frankfurt PhysioEngel Oberursel Doctolib

Lavinia Engel

Physiotherapist, Osteopath and Naturopath

Physiotherapist · Osteopath

Career path

Since january 2015
self employed with own office · Frankfurt
07/15/13 – 12/01/14
Freiberufliche Mitarbeit in der Praxis für Physiotherapie Seiferth · Frankfurt Nordend
01/01/12 – 07/15/13
Physiotherapeutische Leitung der Praxis RieFitpoint · Frankfurt Airport
09/01/11 – 01/01/12
Riefit Physiotherapie
Standorte: Alzenau-Hörstein · Frankfurt Airport und Westend

Advanced educations

Naturopath since December 2018
Completed 02/15/12 – 12/01/17
Osteopathie (F.O.) · Schule für Osteopathie Frankfurt
Completed 06/07/11 – 09/01/13
Manuelle Therapie (MT- Osteopathie) 
Zertifikat mit Abrechnungsposition MT
Completed 07/18/11 – 08/12/11
Zertifizierte Manuelle Lymphdrainage (MLD/KPE)
Completed 10/23/09 – 10/24/09
Kinesiology Taping

Final degree

Bachelor of Health (NL) / Bachelor of Science (D)
Hochschule Fresenius, Idstein

Treatment priorities


The most important principle in the Osteopathy is: "Life is a movement". An Osteopath checks the whole body for movement restrictions which could be responsible for pain.

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is a special hand grip technique that resolves movement disorders in the limb joints or spine.


Basically, the physiotherapy pursues the goal, the movement and functioning of the body to maintain, improve or restore.

Manual Lymphatic

Manual lymphatic drainage is a special treatment technique that pursues the goal of removing tissue fluid.

Massage and Myofascial Release

Myofascial release is an alternative medicine therapy that claims to treat skeletal muscle immobility and pain.

Treatment for CMD

Typical symptoms of CMD (craniomandibular dysfunction) are complaints of the masticatory muscles (myofascial pain), directly on the temporomandibular joint (for example, disk displacement) or as the cause and consequence of stress.

Therapy of headache and vertigo

Dizziness (vertigo) and headaches are a constant annoying companion for many people – others suffer from time to time.